Starfield Review in Progress (PC) - Performance, Story, Exploration

Published on 2 September 2023 at 04:40

Starfield is a massive open-world space RPG developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game is going to be released on September 6, 2023 for PC and Xbox Series X/S, with a few lucky people including myself getting access to the game early.


The game is set in the year 2330, when humanity has colonized thousands of planets across the galaxy. You play as a character who can choose their background, skills, and appearance. You can then set out to explore the galaxy, complete quests, and uncover the secrets of the universe.


The game features a pretty vast and detailed open world to explore. There are over 1,000 planets to visit, each with its own unique environment and inhabitants. You can also explore space stations, derelict ships, and other spacefaring vessels. They could be a bit more colorful, but that is a personal opinion.


The planets in Starfield are all procedurally generated, which means that they are all unique and different. The game features a variety of different environments, including deserts, forests, mountains, and ice worlds. Each planet also has its own unique weather system, which can affect your exploration & makes the game much more entertaining than you would think.


The inhabitants of Starfield are just as diverse as the planets. You'll encounter a variety of different alien species, each with its own culture and history. You can also interact with humans, who have colonized many of the planets in the galaxy.


The gameplay in Starfield is a mix of action, exploration, and role-playing. You can use a variety of weapons and skills to fight enemies (aiming takes time getting use to). The game also features a pretty robust crafting system that allows you to create your own weapons, armor, and other items.


The story in Starfield is about a group of explorers who are trying to find a lost colony. The story is well-written and engaging, and it features a cast of memorable characters, but be warned, IT IS EXTREMELY LONG, positive thing for most, but it does need to be noted. The game also has a number of side quests that you can complete, which add to the overall experience, some seem pretty boring, just like Skyrim, but when you actually do them, they do add to the game. SO DON'T SKIP them, in the long run they make the game much better.


The graphics in Starfield are stunning, especially on PC. My current specs are i9 13900k, RTX 4090, 64GB of DDR5 & I do have a 5th gen NVme SSD for faster load times which surprisingly much more noticeable than going from a 3rd gen NVme to a 4th Gen NVme. The planets are all beautifully rendered, and the space battles are absolutely epic (space nerd speaking lol). The game also features a dynamic weather system that makes the world feel alive, the only con I have with this are the colors, I really wish they were more colorful, but not having that colorful feeling does make it feel more realistic, so it isn't a big deal, more so a personal one. If you have an NVidia Graphics Card, you can adjust the vibrancy which I personally will do now that my review is pretty set in stone, and if it is not obvious yet, the review is mostly positive.


The sound design in Starfield is also excellent. The music is atmospheric and immersive, and the sound effects are well-done. The voice acting is also top-notch, and the characters all sound believable.


The gameplay in Starfield is very open-ended. You can choose to focus on the main story, explore the galaxy at your own pace, or complete side quests. There are also a variety of different ways to play the game, depending on your playstyle.


The game is very challenging, especially at higher difficulty levels. The enemies are intelligent and aggressive, and they will not hesitate to take you down. However, the game is also very rewarding, and it feels great to overcome a difficult challenge.


Overall, Starfield is a great game that is sure to please fans of space RPGs. The game is massive, immersive, and beautiful. The gameplay is challenging and rewarding, and the story is engaging. If you're looking for a new space RPG to sink your teeth into, then Starfield is the game for you.


Here are some additional thoughts on Starfield:


  • The character creation system is one of the best I've seen in a game. You can customize your character's appearance, skills, and personality in great detail.
  • The crafting system is also very well-done. You can create your own weapons, armor, and other items to suit your playstyle.
  • The space combat is a lot of fun. It's fast-paced and exciting, and it requires a lot of skill to master.
  • The story is engaging and well-written. It's not the deepest story I've ever played, but it's still enjoyable.
  • The game is full of content. There are over 1,000 planets to explore, and there are plenty of quests to complete.

If you're a fan of space RPGs, then you'll definitely want to check out Starfield. It's a great game with a lot to offer.

Summary of the Pros and Cons of Starfield:


  • Stunning graphics
  • Engaging gameplay
  • Massive open world
  • Deep crafting system
  • Well-written story
  • Plenty of content


  • Inventory management can be clunky
  • Some of the side quests are repetitive
  • The first 10-15 Hours are pretty slow paced
  • PC Requirements are pretty hefty

Overall, Starfield is a great game that I'm sure any RPG fan will enjoy, Any Skyrim fan will enjoy, Any No Man's Sky fan will enjoy, Any Destiny fan will enjoy & the most important on personally, Any OUTER-SPACE NERD will enjoy, It is an awesome space game. It's massive, immersive, and beautiful. 

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